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Commercial Landlord-Tenant Relations During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Amid the health and economic crisis created by COVID-19, 房东, 物业经理, 而商业地产的租户也在争相获取信息,并制定新的政策. 总统和州长的简报改变了企业在很少或没有预警的情况下开展业务的方式.  What makes sense one day, may not be an option the next.

显而易见的是,新冠肺炎大流行正在给企业带来经济动荡吗.  Among the hardest hit are restaurants, 健身房, 教堂, 还有美发沙龙, 但其他许多公司正经历着完全停工或大量业务损失.  而联邦政府正试图为企业提供一些经济救济, many companies will not be able to take advantage of these limited programs.  一些人将无法履行他们的财务义务,包括租金.

Commercial 房东 need a comprehensive, 然而,个性化, 计划如何处理那些生意被关闭或受到严重经济影响的租户.  在制定计划时, 他们应该试着灵活一些,考虑多种方法来度过这些艰难的日子.  What works in one situation may not for another.  在大多数情况下,房东应该首先分析租户的实力和租赁条款.  这将为制定应对COVID-19紧急情况的计划提供重要方向. Because each situation will be unique, 保密协议将对细节保密,并防止向一个租户提供的帮助破坏其他谈判.

面临收入大幅减少的租户可能会要求减租或延迟租金. 一般, the best approach is to temporarily defer all or part of the 租金, 免除滞纳金, assure the tenants that they are in no immediate danger of eviction, encourage the application for all available assistance, and establish a congenial rapport. While covering the 租金 is important, many 业务 owners are facing a multitude of problems, such as completing contracts, 留住员工, 基本生存.  暂时的租金减免将非常受欢迎,但不会放弃房东全额收取租金的权利.

Based on the tenant’s financial stability and history of 租金 payments, this may be a good time to amend the lease.  A good faith negotiation can result in everyone walking away happy. Depending on the 业务 and the lease, 房东可能会要求提供前一年和今年至今的财务状况,以便充分评估救济需求和制定现实的恢复计划的能力. 一些可能性是:

  • 在商定的期限内(两或三个月)减少租金,以换取延长的终止日期
  • 在商定的期限内延迟租金,递延的金额在租赁的剩余时间内摊销(或可能在预先确定的期限内摊销), shorter term that makes sense for the specific tenant)
  • Defer 租金 for an agreed upon period with a balloon payment at a later date
  • Apply all or part of a security deposit to cur租金 租金
  • Modify lease terms such as CAM (common area maintenance) fees or maintenance
  • Expand or reduce the leased premises
  • 增加租金以换取短期租金的减少、延期或减免
  • Add an individual as an additional tenant to strengthen the lease
  • 添加个人担保

Under the concept “making lemonade out of lemons,” this might be a good time to make improvements to leased premises.  It’s difficult to renovate when 业务 is in full swing, but while operations are suspended or severely reduced, tenants and 房东 can partner to paint, 深层清洁, 更换地板, 做绿化, and generally spruce up the property.  With tenants providing sweat equity and 房东 covering the cost of materials, 房东与租客的关系得到加强,租客对租赁空间的承诺得到加强. Ideally for the landlord, the cost of materials will be applied to 租金.  I f that’s not an option for the tenant, the landlord could provide the materials or reimburse as agreed.

Small, 没有首席财务官或执行董事会的商业租户可能会欣赏适当的政府计划的指导.  There are many excellent industry-specific websites, but the primary basic relief is through the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed into law on March 27, 2020.

《皇冠线上买球平台》包含3760亿美元的救济,用于美国工人和小企业.  小企业管理局(SBA)网站为房东和租户提供了贷款和债务减免的信息.  使租户受益的项目也可能使房东受益,而房东本身往往就是小企业.

工资保护计划通过暂时扩大传统的小企业管理局7(a)贷款计划,为保留员工提供贷款减免,这是《皇冠线上买球平台》的一部分.  如果员工在工资单上保留了8周,这笔钱用于支付工资, 租金, 抵押贷款利率, 或实用程序, 贷款将被免除. 申请可通过任何SBA 7(a)贷款人或任何参与联邦保险的存款机构或信用合作社提出. Essentially, small 业务es make the application through their bank.

也, 根据《皇冠线上买球平台》, The Economic Injury Disaster Loan Emergency Advance (EIDL) provides up to $10,为目前因COVID-19而暂时遭受收入损失的企业提供经济救济.  Application is made through the SBA website. If approved, the loan advance will not have to be repaid.

进一步, 《皇冠线上买球平台》让各州可以选择将失业补偿扩大到通常没有资格获得福利的工人, such as independent contractors. 失业救济金由各州的失业保险计划管理.  这个项目可能会帮助没有发型师等雇员的小企业主, 按摩理疗师, 总承包商.

In addition to government programs, 应该鼓励租户查看他们的保险政策中可能涵盖的范围. 保险单仅仅是在发生损失的某些情况下向被保险人支付赔款的合同. "业务中断"条款可能包括也可能不包括这种大流行病,这取决于政策的措辞和未来法院对措辞的解释.  

逆境即机遇. 如果处理得当,房东和房客都可以更坚强地度过这些艰难的日子. 修改或延长租约可以帮助租户在短期内度过COVID-19危机,为房东留下宝贵的租户, and more valuable property, 从长远来看.  在任何商业谈判中,目标都是找到一个对双方都有利的解决方案. 房东和租客都有需要解决的问题,但他们也都有自己的长处.  A good result is more likely if a non-adversarial relationship is maintained, 派对是创新的, and focus is kept on the proverbial big picture.

Provided below are links to some helpful resources:  





凯瑟琳Byler 是皇冠搏彩APP下载 & 皇冠线上买球平台 attorney focusing her practice on real estate, 业务, 监护, and estate planning matters.